On February 7, 2025 UWSMP hosted a follow-up discussion on the latest updates regarding H5N1 Influenza. This session provides critical insights into the virus, its potential impact ion shelter animals, key consideration for shelter medicine …
New Information About an Old Virus: Canine Distemper Virus Management Update
Canine distemper virus (CDV) remains a source of significant illness and fatality in shelters across the United States in locations where access to resources and veterinary care including CDV vaccine are limited. With the support …
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 12/9/16 MADISON – Thirteen cats in a New York City shelter have tested positive for influenza A. One of them has died. The Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School …
FAQs: Feline infections with influenza A in New York
How many cats have been affected? 13 cats have tested positive for influenza A virus. The positive tests were run at IDEXX Reference Laboratories and the Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Lab. The Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory …
UW Shelter Medicine, WVDL find canine influenza transmitted to cats in Midwestern shelter
It may be called canine influenza, but Dr. Sandra Newbury, director of the Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine has confirmed that the virus that sickened a large number …
FAQs: Feline infections with canine influenza H3N2 (CIV)
How many cats have been affected? So far, eight cats have tested positive on sequential tests. Some of the cats have shown rising viral loads over time. Other cats were affected by similar clinical signs …
Helping Shelters Respond to H3N2 Canine Influenza
In March and April of 2015 a novel strain of canine influenza, H3N2, was identified during an outbreak of canine respiratory disease in Chicago, IL. Our University of Wisconsin Shelter Medicine Program has partnered with …